Integrated development plan on track

Weskus Executive Mayor ‘Boffie’ Strydom expressed his excitement over the approval of the Revised Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and associated budget when delivering Weskus’ Distrik’s budget speech.

Before tabling how the IDP would benefit the Weskus community, ‘Boffie’ summarised how Weskus Distrik works closely with the Western Cape Provincial Government to deliver provincial objectives, including:

  • Creating opportunities for growth and jobs.
  • Improving education outcomes and opportunities for youth.
  • Increasing wellness, safety and tackle social ills.
  • Enabling a resilient, sustainable, quality, and inclusive living.
  • Enabling good governance, and
  • Integrating service delivery through partnerships and spatial alignment.

He then covered what the approved IDP means to the Weskus community, listing:

  • Caring for the social well-being, safety, health and environmental integrity of all our communities.
  • Promoting regional economic growth and tourism.
  • Co-ordinating and promoting the development of bulk and essential services and transport infrastructure.
  • Fostering sound relationships with all stake-holders, especially local Municipalities, and
  • Maintaining financial viability and good governance.

At the core of the Weskus vision is ‘the caring centre for innovation and excellence’.

The Provincial objectives mirror those of Weskus, and ‘Boffie’ committed to delivering the aims of the National Development Plan.

Visit the link for the full budget speech.


West Coast District Municipality

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