Proactive business initiatives

In his Budget Speech, Executive Mayor Boffie Strydom described how Weskus Distrik is proactively seeking business opportunities to ensure future sustainability, investment attraction, and revenue assurance.

Stressing the importance of pursuing initiatives to generate funding, ‘Boffie’ pointed to the following revenue generative projects currently at various stages of development.

  • Northern Regional Landfill Site which includes water storage, a crematorium, and green energy generation.
  • Enhanced green energy to service bulk water concessions in Withoogte and Misverstanddam.
  • An ERP and digital business opportunity to potentially service all municipalities in South Africa, including providing expertise.
  • The establishment of semi-permanent sites at the Ganzekraal Resort, and
  • Promoting the utilisation of the Fire Service for structural firefighting services in the West Coast District area, including the facilitation of a Fire Fighting Station in Saldanha Bay.

Further initiatives involved the Solvem Consulting Group which provided 65 matriculants with an opportunity in Weskus Distrik’s Call Centre Learnership programme, later to be seconded to the Disaster Call Centre, and an outreach styled as the Midrand Outbound 2024 to engage with likeminded people in seeking opportunities of mutual benefit.

The Long-Term Financial Plan was tabled as a mechanism to stimulate the growth of own revenue opportunities through seeking business opportunities.

Visit the link for the full budget speech.


West Coast District Municipality

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