Separation of power promotes service delivery

The Municipal Structures Act provides a degree of separation in municipalities by providing for the political arm and its executive committee and the administration and leadership of a local municipality. However, inappropriate party-political interference can complicate the political-administrative relationship.

The role of Council is to give strategic and ethical guidelines to the caucus and administration and avoid interfering in administrative functions such as staff appointments, tenders, credit control decisions and the implementation of the Code of Conduct.

Complications can arise when a senior party-political office-bearer is also a municipal staff member, especially if the staff member outranks the executive mayor. Such a scenario can lead to destructive power struggles which inevitably impact on service delivery.

“Weskus Distrik manages the separation of power extremely well, primarily due to the quality of people in the political and administrative arms, and a common purpose of clean governance and service delivery to our community and associated local municipalities”.

Cllr NS (Kallie) Louw
Weskus Distrik


West Coast District Municipality

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