Weskus leaders measure up

A municipality’s performance management system (PMS) monitors, reviews and improves the implementation of its integrated development plan. It is a management tool that also facilitates increased accountability, learning, improvement while providing early warning signs. Weskus Distrik’s Earl Williams provides an overview of how PMS measures the performance of its executive team.

“The Municipal Manager and Executive Manager’s performance is regulated by legislation and ensured through their employment contract; their annual performance contract; and senior management performance regulations. Each of the Weskus executive team is measured against their performance based on the strategic objectives set by Council. Each strategic objective has Key Performance Areas of its own. In addition, each executive also has core competency requirements which are measured bi-annually”, says Fred-Earl Williams whose strategic portfolio includes Performance Management.

Formal performance reviews are held bi-annually with mid-year and year-end assessments.

As legislated, a Performance Evaluation Panel consists of a Chairperson, a Municipal Manager from an independent municipality, the Chairperson of the Audit Committee, Internal Audit, and Human Resources. The Performance Management team convenes and organises the reviews. While the Municipal Manager and the Portfolio Chair reviews the Executive team, the Executive Mayor and another Councillor will evaluate the Municipal Manager.

“The Performance Management process is legislated and key to achieving objectives and holding leadership accountable. The aggregation of each of the Executives Key Performance areas ultimately translates into targeted service delivery”.

Fred-Earl Williams
Senior Manager
Integrated Development Planning, Performance Management,
Inter-Governmental Relations and Economic Development


West Coast District Municipality

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