Ready, prepared and able

Vastly experienced Weskus Chief Fire Officer Bertus Senekal is confident that his team can handle most incidents thrown at them, including the right attitude and skills to assist other local municipalities outside of their region and core Wildland and Chemical fire focus.


Manned 24/7 for 365 days a year, the Weskus region has 6 Fire Stations located in Malmesbury, Moorreesburg, Piketberg, Verdenburg, Clanwilliam, and Vredendal. The team consists of 76 qualified and full-time fire fighters with 38 fire fighting vehicles.

Weskus Fire and Rescue services works closely with the Greater Cederberg Fire Protection Association, SANPARKS, Cape Nature and the local Weskus municipalities.

As the Chairperson of the Greater Cedarberg Fire Protection Association, Deputy Chair of the Western Cape Fire Safety Workgroup, and Deputy Chair of the Western Cape Provincial Fire Workgroup, Bertus is integral to the greater region’s firefighting strategy, planning and response management.

Reaching out and serving.

Although the vast region of 32 000 sq m can stretch resources at times, the team has never faltered when called upon to aid municipalities outside of Weskus boundaries.

Over the years, Weskus Distrik has delivered sterling support to the Overstrand, City of Cape Town, and Winelands municipalities among others. The team was also involved in fighting the George and Knysna fires where Bertus played a key role as Operations Sector Chief.

Ingrained characteristics of honesty, discipline, attitude, and principles are all driving forces behind Weskus Distrik’s Fire and Rescue team approach to public service.


West Coast District Municipality

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