Are you happy with experience you’re gaining?
I feel privileged. This experience has greatly moulded my professional personality.
What is the one thing that has been the biggest learning curve for you?
Every day is a learning curve for me because I Learn new things every day.
Has there been a highlight for you?
One of my biggest highlights was when I flew in an airplane for the first time in my life, while accompanying the CFO on business trip.
Who is your Mentor?
Megan Claasen
Tell us about Megan.
She inspires me and is a demanding mentor. She pushes me to the best of my abilities and guides me every day.
Are you seeing a career unfolding?
Yes, I am now clearer on my future. I would like to study public administration and public management.
Feel good working for a champion municipality?
I feel extremely proud to be working for Weskus because of their amazing work ethic and positive reputation.