Water security remains an ongoing headline throughout South Africa. Michiel Visser, Senior Manager: Water, outlines how the Weskus team takes accountability for this critical resource.
Michiel, what are the key factors which drive your team?
We accept accountability and ownership for the WTWorks system. Importantly, we view it as a business and not just a function or operation within the municipality.
The teams operate according to correct RISK criteria, and we pursue excellence in everything that we do. We modify budgetary allocations according to the regional risk identified. The team is passionate, committed, well-informed, and subject to ongoing training.
Your approach to emergencies?
We take quick action and base our responses on the nature and scale of the incident.
How do you manage risk of water contamination?
Our four senior managers have scheduled inspections, and preventative actions are taken where risk of contamination is identified. Reservoirs are fenced in and secured as are the reservoir manholes.
Scheduled water sampling and testing is standard procedure to determine and monitor water quality.
Senior staff members all have specific KPIs, and modifications are made as necessary to handle desired outcomes.
The quality of Weskus Distrik’s team is a function of experienced team members underpinned by accepting accountability for their role, passion, commitment, and keeping relevant through ongoing training.
Michiel Visser
Senior Manager: Water
Pr Techni Eng Civil
NHD Mech Eng
Weskus Distrik