The Integrated Planning Process is prescribed by legislation and followed by municipalities throughout the country, and the input of the public in the planning and budget of the municipality is paramount. Municipalities throughout the West Coast likewise, have just concluded their participation processes in the respective municipal areas. Weskus District Municipality in turn supported and participated in selected participation engagements of municipalities held recently. Furthermore a series of bi-lateral engagements between the Executives of Weskus Distrik and each of the Local Municipalities, was also pursued and the municipalities in the north of the Weskus, namely Cederberg- and Matzikama Municipalities’ bi-laterals have been concluded. Engagements will now follow in the south of the Weskus with the rest of the municipalities.
The purpose of these engagements is to elicit community inputs into the planning and budgeting of municipalities, and to prioritise community and local needs. It is also for Weskus Distrik’s Political and Administrative Executive to engage the Executive of the respective local municipalities on issues of common interest and to plan jointly for how these issues are to be addressed in the best interest of the Weskus Distrik.
To support and strengthen the public participation practises in the district, Public Participation Officials from the 6 municipalities meet regularly to share good practices, exchange information and to discuss any issues requiring support in order to improve public participation.
Public Participation in the planning and budgeting matters is prescribed by legislation and is a key part in the drafting and approval of the Budget and IDP. Weskus Distrik plays a supporting role in promoting and strengthening Public Participation for Improved Integrated Development Plans (IDP).
Fred-Earl Williams
Senior Manager: IDP, PMS, IGR and ED.